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Gathering Stooks


Gathering Stooks


Title: Untitled (Gathering Stooks)
Artist: Eleanor Wheler
Image size: 11 ¾” x 15 1/2”
Frame size: 13 1/4” x 17 1/4”
Description: Oil on panel. Signed lower right. Framed.

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Eleanor Ressor Wheler (1900-1996) was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. She studied nursing and received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto in 1944. Eleanor worked as a public health nurse in different parts of Ontario and taught at the University of Toronto School of Hygiene. She came to Prince Edward Island in 1945 and worked as a public health nurse. Eleanor lived with her companion, artist Elaine Russel Harrison, in Bedeque and at their summer home “Windswept” in Fernwood.