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Long River, P.E.I.


Long River, P.E.I.


Long River, P.E.I.


Title: Dawn, P.E.I. (1982)
Artist: Robert V. Worling
Image Size: 18” x 24” (45.7 x 61.0 cm)
Description: Oil on Masonite. Signed bottom right. Title, dated and signed verso. Gallery labels verso. Unframed.

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Dr. Robert V. Worling is an amateur artist and photographer, largely self-taught. Now retired, Dr. Worling is a psychiatrist. He spent 10 years in Prince Edward Island working as a consulting psychiatrist from 1979 to 1990 based in Summerside. During the years in P.E.I., Robert had a major retrospective exhibition at the Eptek Centre in Summerside and exhibited works over several years with Island Visual Artists in Charlottetown. Worling has also exhibited his work at the “Physician’s Art Salon” in various Canadian centres, at the Art Gallery of Hamilton and in a show sponsored by the National Gallery in Ottawa. He has paintings in collections in the United Kingdom and Germany, in addition to various Canadian provinces. After a number of years in Renfrew, Ontario, the Robert and his wife, Karin, moved to Belleville, Ontario, where Dr. Worling won a number of awards including the Juror’s Choice Award at the 37th Belleville Art Association (BAA) Annual Juried Exhibition in 2003. The majority of his paintings are neither truly “realistic” or “representational” nor entirely “abstract” but all contain a strong element of design. Almost all of Robert Worling’s paintings are done in oils or acrylics and, in some cases, a mixture of both. In terms of genre or style, they can vary from being entirely realistic to semi-abstract and many could be described as “imaginary landscapes” – scenes that come out of his imagination and which are executed in the studio rather than “in the field.” In 2021, Dr. Worling (age 91) lives in Batawa, Ontario.