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Clinton, PEI, History (2004)

Clinton, PEI, History (2004)


Title: The History of Clinton, Prince Edward Island
Author(s): Ella McCormick, Libby Heaney, Donna Sutton
Publisher: Clinton Women’s Institute, Clinton, PEI: 2004
Description: Small 4to. 154pp. Illustrated. Spiral bound softcover. Described as a 3rd “update” of the community’s history - the earlier editions in 1973, and 1991.

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Clinton is an unincorporated area in Lot 20, Queens County. It’s in the central portion of Prince Edward Island, north-east of Kensington. Its precise location is N 46°27', W 63°33'.

This is a pre-owned book. It will show shelf wear. It may show interior soiling from usage. Please contact Gallery 18 before ordering if you have any questions.