If You're Stronghearted
If You're Stronghearted
Title: If You're Stronghearted: Prince Edward Island in the Twentieth Century
Author: Edward MacDonald
Publisher: Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation, Charlottetown: 2000
Description: 418 pp. Quarto. Illustrated. Hardcover. Illustrated dust jacket. Bound in brown cloth with gilt titles on front panel and spine. Shows minor wear from occasional usage.
Dr. Edward MacDonald teaches in the History Department at the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown. His duties largely encompass Canadian history, broadly speaking: Canadian political history, Atlantic Canada, and Prince Edward Island. His research interests focus mainly on P.E.I. history, but aims to place it within a comparative context, regionally, nationally, and in terms of island societies. MacDonald is also interested in Island tourism and the subject of cultural transference within immigrant groups coming to Atlantic Canada in the 18th and 19th century.
Source: http://www.upei.ca/arts/edward-macdonald