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Title: The Island Magazine, Number 39 / Fall-Winter 1995
Description: 45 pp + illustrated wraps. Octavo. Illustrated. Softcover. Articles include, "A Blot Upon the Fair Fame of Our Island: The Scandal at the Charlottetown Lunatic Asylum, 1874; Demographer's Delight: The "Lost" DesBarres Census of 1810; The Saga of Alexis Doiron; Robert Harris' Island Sketches; Don MacLean's War; "Presents ... Both Numerous and Costly": The Circuitous Story of A Statue; Emigrants on the Edinburgh, 1771: A New Passenger List for Prince Edward Island.
The Island Magazine is a semi-annual publication of the human and natural heritage of Prince Edward Island published by the P.E.I. Museum and Heritage Foundation.