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Family Histories

Munn & MacLeod (c1997)

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Munn & MacLeod (c1997)


Title: From Island to Island: The Family of Neil Munn and Elizabeth MacLeod
Authors: L. Ann (MacLeod) Coles & Linda C. (Matheson) Harding
Publisher: Self-published, Charlottetown, P.E.I.: No date (c1997)
Description: Quarto. 377pp + Index. Illustrated. Softcover. A genealogy of the family of Neil Munn and Elizabeth MacLeod of Mermaid, Prince Edward Island, along with an Appendix on other Munn families. “Neil Munn, of Colonsay (Scotland) … emigrated to Prince Edward Island in 1818, and settled in the community of Mermaid in March of 1830…Neil was employed as a school teacher when he first came to Prince Edward Island…by 1830, he was retiring from the teaching profession and taking up farming.”

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The village of Mermaid is an unincorporated area in Queens County in the central portion of Prince Edward Island, northeast of Charlottetown. Its precise location is N 46°16', W 63°02'.