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Dr. James Warburton (1901)


Dr. James Warburton (1901)


Title: Dr. James Warburton Signed & Dated Invoice
Author: Dr. James Warburton
Description: Invoice marked “paid” in the amount of $11.50, sent to the estate of a patient for “professional services rendered.” Signed and dated (December 12, 1901) by Warburton. Shows one vertical and three horizontal folds, as well as two spike holes. Overall, we rate the condition as fair to good.

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James Warburton (1855-1928) was a physician and political figure. He represented 5th Queens in the provincial assembly from 1904 to 1912 as a Liberal. Warburton was born in Woodbrook, Lot 10, the son of James Warburton and Martha C. Green. He was educated at St. Dunstan’s College and Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown, and Windsor College in Nova Scotia. Warburton went on to study medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After practicing in Scotland for a time, in 1882, he returned to PEI where he set up an office in Charlottetown. Warburton was elected mayor of Charlottetown in 1893, and again in 1900 and in 1902. In 1887, he married Louise Margaretta Hobkirk. Warburton was elected to the provincial assembly in 1904 in a by-election.