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Island Folk Festival Poster


Island Folk Festival Poster


Title: Island Folk Festival / Le festival folklorique de l’Ile
Artist: Floyd Trainor
Publisher: UPEI Island Studies & West Prince Arts Council: 1982
Size: 23 3/4” x 13 1/4” (60.3 x 33.7 cm)
Description: Lithographic poster promoting a concert at the Westisle Theatre in Westisle Composite School, Elmsdale, on November 6, 1984. The poster promised “A Festival of Traditional Music by Prince Edward Island Musicians and Singers.” However, the poster was issued before the Program and Special Guests had been announced. The poster was designed by P.E.I. artist Floyd Trainor. The poster shows minor creasing from being stored rolled, and a small area of surface paper loss at the top centre. Overall, we rate the condition as fair to good.

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Floyd Trainor (1946-1998 attended Southport School where he won several design competitions. He later studied commercial art at the Provincial Vocational Institute in Charlottetown, then attended the Nova Scotia School of Art and Design in Halifax. Trainor had a long association with the P.E.I. Nature Trust designing annual calendars and other promotional material during the 1980s and ‘90s.