Confederation Bridge by Earla Buell
Confederation Bridge by Earla Buell
Title: Confederation Bridge
Artist: Earla Buell
Image Size: 7 1/2 x 9 1/2”
Description: Color glossy photographic print. Double matted. Signed with initials and titled by the artist in ink on the matte.
Construction, the majority of which was carried out at on-shore staging facilities, began on October 7, 1993. Crews at the staging facility in New Brunswick created components for the approach bridges using pre-cast concrete in steel forms, while the main bridge components – including pier bases, shafts, main girders and drop-in girders – were produced on the opposite side of the Northumberland Strait, at the staging facility in Prince Edward Island. On November 19, 1996, shortly before midnight, the last component of the Confederation Bridge was placed; construction of the approach roads and toll plaza, and final work on the structure continued until May of 1997.
Source: https://www.confederationbridge.com/about/confederation-bridge/construction.html
Earla Charlene Buell (1948-2016) was a leather-worker, photographer, designer, painter, and professional picture framer. For a time, she operated a picture-framing shop in Charlottetown called Picture It Yours. Earla often signed her artwork using only her initials, ECB. She traveled widely, including trips to all parts of Canada, Europe and the Caribbean. Earla died in Charlottetown.