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Title: Green Gables, P.E.I. (c1965)
Artist: Barry Bugden
Image size: 4 7/8” x 5 7/8” (12.4 x 14.9 cm) to neat line
Page size: 10” x 10” (25.4 x 25.4 cm)
Description: Linocut. Hand-colored. Titled in pencil by artist at lower left below neat line. Initialed by artist in the plate.
H. Barry Bugden (1914-1989) was born in Hastings, England. He emigrated to Canada with his family when he was still a child. He lived in Vancouver and London, Ontario, before settling in PEI after WWII. In London, Bugden studied with Dr. Clare Bice. He studied with Gentile Tondino at the Montreal Museum of Fine Art. Bugden was a prominent art instructor on PEI. He’s best known for his portrait work and landscapes. Bugden was also active in the local theatre community as an actor. He died in Charlottetown.